Forward head posture is very common (66%-90% of the population).
Forward head posture (FHP) is very common
Many of us are working from home and spending more time than usual in a seated position. We see more and more clients come in due to neck pain, upper extremity numbness/tingling, along with headaches. We often work on posture with these clients and see HUGE reductions in symptoms when addressed.
Forward head posture is common (66-90% of the population). This type of posture causes more stress on the cervical spine, due to the head position. A human head weighs 10-12 pounds, and just 1-2 inches of forward head posture can double or even triple the load on the cervical spine!
Prolonged forward posture can cause muscle imbalances (upper cross syndrome), reduced mobility, and increased risk for spinal degenerative changes.
Example and symptoms
Symptoms associated with this can be general soreness, trigger point pain, muscle tightness, headaches, and potential tingling/numbness radiating into the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers. Neck pain is shown to affect 1/5 individuals at any given time, and is recurrent!
Poor posture looks like:
Head poking forward past shoulder:
Tight upper trapezius and levator scapulae, and weak deep neck flexor muscles
Rounded shoulders:
Tight pectorals, weak lower trapezius, and serratus anterior
Excessive thoracic kyphosis:
Excessive rounding of the mid back
FHP Reduction & exercises
To reduce forward head posture, here are some cues to help with proper posture:
Ears in line with shoulders
Chin slightly tucked
Shoulders retracted
Neutral spine posture
Trying these cues along with some exercises can help reduce your forward head posture and alleviate some of the symptoms experienced. Some good exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles involved in upper cross syndrome include:
Wall posture (every 1-2 hours) - hold for one minute
Chin tucks - 10 x 5 second hold
Upper trapezius stretch - 3 x 30 second hold
Pec stretch - 3 x 30 second hold
Thoracic openers - 5 x 10 second hold
Banded rows - 3 x 10 reps
As always, be sure to see us if you are experiencing neck soreness, pain, muscle tightness, headaches, or tingling/numbness. Our physiotherapists can assess your symptoms, determine the cause, and create a treatment plan that is individualized for you. Call, email or book online anytime for all your physio needs! We literally got your back!